Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day Thirteen Tired, Travelling and Tuning Out

Well with less than 4 hours sleep I managed to wake up with the alarm, haul my butt out of bed into the shower and complete my packing - still had to sit on my suitcase despite taking out my coat!!!

Managed to leave and get down to the local subway and except that the journey seemed to last an eternity there were no major problems!! Got to the airport easily on the Airtrain and through security relatively quickly, apart from setting off the scanners with the pattern on my T shirt all was cool.

I had a sinking feeling when I got to the gate, there were a least 6 pushchairs and several more toddlers and under 7s, the joys of returning home just before Christmas. We were 30 minutes late taking off and the atmosphere wasn't improved much my the constant (and I mean CONSTANT screaming of the child 3 rows in font of me). To top it off my TV screen is dodgy and since I put it on pause to go to the toilet it no longer plays more than a 5 second clip at a time- deep joy.

Managed to get the TV re-booted, it helped a little!!! Rest of flight went okay and managed to get back to the UK in one piece.

See you all soon and Merry Christmas xx

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