Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day Four Sun Comes Up Over Santa Monica Boulevard

Wildly irritating that I've been awake since 3:30am but have made use of the time buying last minute Chrimbo stuff - Crackers are sorted!! Although in my bleary-eyed state and maddening habit of flitting in and out of websites, we now have twelve crackers instead of six. In fact there are seven of us for the Festive Foodathon (this is not meant as an insult but as a prediction of the lotions feast that awaits - you only have to look on the Facebook site of my Nigellesque sister to see that food is her passion) but I had brought separate special crackers for my nephews - oh well, the spares will do for Boxing Day or the New Year I guess!!

Well it's almost a decent hour of the morning so I can think about getting up and sorting out my last morning in the Plastic Surgery Capitol of the World. The super shuttle is booked to LAX (apparently short for laxative which means I won't b eating lunch there in a hurry!) Airport, I just have to print the tickets. Am gonna switch on the TV and fingers crossed for reasonable weather................

Well had my favourite breakfast - Eggs Benedict (never quite as good as sat in the sun on the sidewalk cafes of Melbourne or beachside on Perth but still pretty good!) and then checked out and stuck my luggage in storage until later. Walked up the LA version on the Spanish steps and through the Westin Hotel to try to find the Big Blue Bus to Santa Monica. After a bit of toing and froing I found the bus stop and watched the crazies as I waited, the same guy walked back and forth across the same crossing 4 times with all his belongings dragging behind him in a white bin bag!

The weather as you asked is cloudy and cool and rain threatens but I might just be lucky - here's hoping!! Slightly bizarre that its about 18 degrees here and up in the LA Hills it's snowing!

I seem to be developing a one sided virus, my left eye, left nostril and left side of my throat are scratchy and itchy and my nose is dripping but only on that side - most bizarre!! I wonder if my sneezes are one sided as well???

The hour long bus journey was fine, fair bit of traffic but nothing unusual for LA. interestingly you can ride the bus with your bike - they have bicycle racks on the front of the buses, you just stick your bike on the front and hop on the bus!

So Santa Monica, it's lively but like the rest of LA nothing seems to get going til after lunch. Had a lovely wander down Santa Monica Pier to look at the worlds first solar powered Ferris Wheel - cool right? But amusement arcades look dreadfully sad when they're shut down and guess what......... It doesn't open til midday today!!

After a quick wander along the beach I've come through the promenade - more shops!! - to take a load off and have a Hot Chocolate at The Coffee Bean, sat in the sidewalk cafe watching the world go by, we'll I say that but seeing as no self respecting Santa Monican gets up before noon the streets are pretty empty. As is the sidewalk cafe, so how come with all the empty seats the smelly German comes to sit right next to me talking loudly on his mobile?!!! Not quite the atmosphere I was hoping for!!

Anyway bit more aimless wandering and I'm ready for the bus - mucked up my timings and missed it by 10 mins so have another 20 to wait would shop some more but it's boring - can't believe I just said that - the one sided virus must have infected the consumer cortex of my brain, whatever next ..... A phobia of shoes and handbags????

Finally got on the bus and pretty empty bus, same old problem but this time a smelly, tooth sucking, hacking coughed Hispanic - I already have a cold, I don't want TB as well. Am hoping he gets off soon or stops hawking up and coughing just over me shoulder!! Managed not to contract a communicable disease (I hope) on the hour long journey and am now ensconce
D back at the hotel, bags out of storage, making use of the free wifi that my Gold Card affords me!!

Well I've made it onto the super shuttle to the airport, I was outside and waiting for them early - wish I could say the same for all the passengers, one girl who was rung as soon as we arrived for her and despite saying she would be "right down" left us waiting outside for at least 5 mins and then hopped in without even a quick "sorry"!! Don't think I have a hope of catching my flight at this rate.

Those of you who have ever travelled with me will know I'm going crazy by now. My extreme agitation not being helped by multiple extra stops, slow traffic and a fellow traveller on a business call with several other people!!

The final addition to our party bus was a nice teacher from Colorado who kindly chatted to me and kept me distracted. She was at pains to point out she'd been waiting outside for 30mins when the guys at the front discussed how they were never going to take the super shuttle again. A mini argument then broke out about why we weren't taking the Freeway instigated by late girl!! I refrained from pointing out she had a cheek.

Finally I got to the terminal and tried checking it but couldn't get the damned machine to read my passport. After 5 attempts I gave up and asked the book in lady to help - with one quick sweep she swiped my passport leaving me looking the incompetent traveller I am!! Worse than Ryan Air they charge extra for aisle seats!!!! Seat booked and tickets finally printed with 45mins to spare I felt on the home streak until I saw the security queue....... At which point I was almost struck down with apoplexy!!!

Security was interesting with one of those body scanners, glad I was wearing clean underwear!! Finally through I bought a fresh sandwich and a thin coke - I figure if they charge for aisle seats then food is out of the question!! Finally I'm on the plane and calm - I can't miss a flight I'm already sat on!!!!

Well the flight was uneventful - watched 3/4 of the film and then fell asleep - very irritating! Was right about the food, lots of dosh for not much scram! Arrival was super bumpy but no security or immigration to come through and baggage fairly painless.

Was nice to arrive somewhere that I was being met with one of those placards with my name on. Had to retrieve my bag myself (fine by me and quite normal) whilst a Pampered Princess and her family ordered the poor shuttle guy around (her fit 20 something son did didly squat and the 2 younger brats just whined!). Quite hilarious to see the disgust on her face when she had to get on a mini-bus with the rest of us plebs uttering "this was NOT what I was expecting!".

Finally arrived at the resort it is Massive!!! Will take a week to get my bearings!! Well aloha and goodnight all

Hawaiian Hula Hussey xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi - Nigellesque here. Hoping you don't mean Nigel Slater. Am loving the blog. I can almost imagine I'm there. Gutted that you didn't get to see the sun go down over Santa Monica boulevard though.
    Looking forward to seeing the crackers and most of all - you.
