Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day Seven Easy Like Sunday Morning

And on the seventh day he rested!! So a cruisey morning, finishing of the DVD I fell asleep during last night followed by a slow breakfast. Have had a quick dip in the lagoon and am now about to laze (in the shade of course - I made sure to grab a spit beneath a thatched umbrella!!) on the beach and listen to the waterfall - all man made of course!! Suspect I may hire a snorkel and find later and stake out the turtles and tropical fish, I did think about bringing mine but figured they'd take up half my suitcase!! Will try not to think too hard about how many other people have used it before me ..............

Chickened out in the end, the thought of all the previous users of the snorkel and mask weirded me out and so I just had a few small swimming forays to cool off in between baking myself lizard style lagoon side. Did see quite a few fish and a glimpse of one of the sea turtles from afar. On the way back to change for this evening festivities I stopped for a quick snifter at the Boat Side Cantina, grabbed a cold refreshing coke and washed it down with a Mango Mojito - Yum!!!

Now must get ready so I can get a good seat for tonight's Luau - dinner and dancing Hula Hula stylie!!!!

Well have had a long and pleasant evening with dinner and a show with dancing from all over the pacific. The warm up act was the audience hula dancing - yes folks I can now do the Hukilau!! Dinner was suckling pig cooked an an Imu ( it's a bit like a Kiwi Hungi). Almost as good as the suckling pig cooked by Billy in Glastonbury!!

The fire dancing from Samoa was especially good to watch! Anyway a fun night over and I've rented a couple of DVDs before bed. Good night y'all!!!!

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