Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day One Heathrow to La La Land

Well it was a less than auspicious start with a powercut at the Hotel at 5am but a torch helped with the packing and the lights came back on just before a quick snaffled breakfast in the executive lounge (Yep I scored us an upgrade at the Hotel!!).

The trip to Terminal 5 was uneventful and a lot cheaper than the £70 we were quoted for a taxi the night before - for that amount I expect a door to door service from Newton Abbot not a 1.5 mile trip from Terminal 5 to a Terminal 5 Hotel!!!

Check in was easy peasy but no upgrade and cattle class awaited. A leisurely ( am practising for the States so need you to pronounce it Leeshurelee!!) breakfast of Eggs Benedict and a teensy weeney bit of shopping and time to board the plane - no hold ups apart from a quick fondle at security - I didn't set the alarm off apparently they pull in every few punters to check - lucky, lucky me!!!

The plane took off on time and a nice meal and a couple of Chardonnays later (and yes I expect the Essex accent when you read that one) and I'm wrapped up in a fleece blanket watching an epic Johnny Depp movie (sorry Roger I know it's a film in Britain but I'm getting into the colonial spirit!!!). Think this a film for Mum - ever the Depp groupie!

Anyway, am sat watching the movie and typing on my new toy - yes Tom the iPad is working brilliantly and was the best buy this year. So the only stress so far is what to watch next and how to get from LAX Airport to the hotel in downtown, plus working out when I'm going to succumb to one of those tacky Hollywood starz tours ( Oh you SO know I'm gonna do one!!!).

So I shall sit back and let the wine warm up my feet (a good trick learnt from my good friend Adrian) and watch another tacky movie. Will blog more when I reach The City of Angels!

Quick update - have just bought the most blingingly awesome present from duty free for my baby Cuz Em - beats hands down what I had got you for Chrimble - it's blingtastic so I hope you'll love it!! Very excited me!!! Plus have decided on the next tacky film so am sorted for the two hours ..... Only 7.5 more to go!

My jubilant Christmas shopping may have been premature lovely trolley dolly has gone of to find said item but has failed to return, me thinks it may not be available :( .... No sooner typed than she retuned with the booty .... Yay!!!!

The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful except for the pressure sores on my ears from wearing headphones for SO long!! We finally arrived at LA and started the ordeal of Passport Control and Immigration..... How come people don't fill the forms in and then expect all the other people who got organised in advance to stand and wait - I could feel the steam slowly mounting in my brain but managed to avoid meltdown, just!

I decided to be adventurous and not get a taxi to the hotel but try the Metro (bit like the Tube)..... This involved a free but cramp bus ride of 20 minutes to the nearest station and then two tube rides and a walk to the hotel. The most difficult bit was trying to buy the travel pass in the first place. Halfway through the journey as we're passing through Compton I start to wonder if this is such a great idea with a big arse suitcase carrying a Radley Leather Handbag (think Compton is often featured in rap songs when they talk about pimping their Ho's).

Anyhow I've survived and 3 hours after landing I am finally in my hotel room and it's just getting dimpsy outside so I think I'm gonna unpack, chillax and plan my next couple of days.

Catch you all soon

La La Livvy xx

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