Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day Twelve Traipsing and Trying around Times Square

An eventful day , again didn't wake until after 8am!! Looked out of the window and it was grey, raining and windy. it fact the building must have been swaying because the light certainly was!! Then checked in online for tomorrow's flight home and spent ages trying to work out how to print out my boarding pass!! Being clever I'd downloaded the App for the printing site but couldn't find the hotel in the list of places to print so I went down to the Business Centre and discovered that they are using a different website than advertised - that's 10 mins of my life I'm not getting back!!!

Boarding Pass printed and dropped off back at my room it was time to hit the streets. I unwittingly jumped on an express train so sailed straight past my stop, I rapidly adapted my plans to start North and work South - rather than the original contrary plan!!

So I hopped off at 72nd street and headed into Central Park, near the Dakota Building (John Lennon's old residence) and walked by Strawberry Fields. I walked slowly through the park but couldn't find any Ice-skating!!

Leaving the Park behind with not a Friends character spotted I headed past several MaccyD's on my way to pick up my theatre tickets for tonight. Didn't stop in any of them!!! Hope you're all proud of me!!!

I picked up my Theatre tickets for tonight from the Box Office and headed for a mosey down to Times Square. Loud and crowded and bursting with life as always!!

I noticed The Bread Bakery Company and stopped there for a lunch of pizza slice and diet Coke. Was thin crust and quite yummy!!!

After lunch which was compact but bijoux I hopped into the Hale and Hearty Soup Store and in order to Spread some warmth at Christmas I bought some tomato, basil and rice soup and a couple of chocolate chip cookies for the homeless man sat outside.

Next I managed to walk around Macy's without falling A over T and Umm and Ahhed about buying another carry on bag. You'll be glad to know there was more Umming than Ahhing so no new luggage today!! I only have 5 suitcases of varying sizes and several duffle bags......

Walked on down past the iconic Flatiron building onto Madison gardens then Union square Christmas markets and purchased the pressies that I saw yesterday -finally succumbed!!

Next stop the Hollister store - I really am getting old, it was like a badly lit night club - too dark, bad music played too loud and then lots of interconnecting rooms with no obvious direction. Had to walk up 2 flights of stairs just to pay!!

Hopped into Bloomingdales on my way past and got my little brown bag wrapped around some more sneaky chrimble pressies!!

Forgot to stop and see the Rockafellor centre and the skating and can't remember where the Christmas tree is but Heigh Ho (or should I say Ho Ho Ho!!!).

Stopped off back at the hotel for a quick shower and change (into a nice girl as my Mum would say!).

Made reservations for Dinner at The View which is a revolving restaurant at the Marriott Marquis.

After a marvellous dinner Gnocchi with chipotle braised ribs, filet mignon and a NY cheesecake I headed downstairs to the Marquis Theatre to see Ricky Martin in Evita (playing Che of course - could he ever complete with sublime Mr David Essex or the not too bad for an actor that can't sing, SeƱor Banderas???). Only while smuggly thinking I'd arrive 40 mins early and could have a drink, I suddenly realised my bright plan to change my day sack for my handbag was genius except for the part where the theatre ticket was still in the back of my day sack!!!

What followed was a bit like the opening scene of 4 Weddings, except no gorgeous Mr Grant and (thank God) no peach bridesmaids dress with large bow accompaniment!!

After much muttering and swearing under my breath (mainly 4 letters of the F variety) there followed a mad taxi dash, 66 blocks later I got to my Hotel in 15 minutes, paid the driver and begged him to wait on a double yellow equivalent while I ran up stairs (not literally as its 49 floors for goodness sake!!!), grabbed the offending tickets and grabbed the cab again back from whence I'd come. I arrived about 5 mins late but then couldn't actually find the damned theatre!! I knew where the box office was but hadn't looked for the theatre earlier - after running back and forth I went back into the Hotel and asked - it was on the 3rd floor!! I got to my seat stepping on only 2 other people's toes and had only missed the first 2 songs!!! Bloody miraculous!!!!

Sadly the rest of the first half was slightly marred by firstly missing my favourite song (Oh What a Circus) and secondly by the over full bladder caused by a litre of fizzy water and half a bottle of Sav Blanc!!!! Needless to say after a visit to the restroom the second half went almost without event (I did get told off for taking a photo on my phone during Don't Cry for Me Argentina!!!). Waste of a good telling off coz it's a rubbish photo!!!

Performance over and I have to say Ricky wasn't half bad, undecided about the Argentinian playing Evita, she sounded a little shrill (and she speaks so highly of me..... Yeah I know, pot, kettle, black!!).

Metro ride back was great didn't get lost once - maybe with 9 hours left in New York I've finally got the hang of it!!! Am now having a cheeky cocktail before some late night packing. Have to leave at 5am so will actually have to set an alarm for the first time in 2 weeks!!!

PS it was a Caramel Appletini in case you were wondering - Grey Goose vodka, apple cider and lemon juice with a dash of caramel - absopositively Dee-Lish!!!

So it's good night from me and....... Well just me really xx

1 comment:

  1. Are you well? You walked past Maccy Ds? You? Wow. Sounds like a great day. Apart from the 4 weddings impersonation that is.
    Good on ya for buying food for the homeless guy.Proper Christmas behaviour that.
    See you soon.
