Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day Five Aloha Hawaii

Well the parrots have woken up and the cacophony outside reminds me of sunsets on Bribie Island - oh happy days. To think I could be on the Ilford Park Christmas Do right now - hope you are all ok and not too jaded!!!

Seeing as it's only 6:15am I'm going to lounge in bed a little longer and wait for the sunrise...........

Have managed to drag my arse out if bed and to brekkie. Is difficult to listen to "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire........" while staring out at a lagoon fringed by palm trees! Am feeling a little melancholic this morning and finding it hard to self motivate. Maybe it's listening to piped Chrimbo music and missing out on all the parties at home, plus the miserable weather........ I know, I know plenty of you would trade places in a heartbeat and I should "man up" and stop whingeing!! OMG they have just put Mariah on - my blue mood just turned black!!! Compounded by the fact they had decided a couple was staying so all my vouchers are for two and the waiters are wondering when my husband will be arriving!! Who comes to a romantic island alone!! Anyhow time to shake it off, think I'll book some excursions and then go for a long walk and a swim. Catch you later folks!!!

So I have booked a couple of tours and of course the all important Luau Dinner. For a 15% discount I've agreed to go look at the latest Hilton timeshare and as I like nosing around new homes it's no big hardship! Just can't afford to buy!! So after a walk around the resort I've sun screened up and am now baking myself pool side for 30mins after a quick dip before my pick up and sticky beak at the new resort!

Well it was quite a hard sales pitch although ever so lovely and a new version of a timeshare concept. Actually am proud of myself that I manage to pretty much resist. Difficult though because if I had the money probably would have just gone for it. Told them that I really had to discuss it first with my other half ( sorry Rog for using your name in vain!!), could have just said a straight up "No" I guess but then I am quite useless at saying no in normal life as well as when confronted by trained sales people!! So have a cooling off period and maybe another holiday to plan and then when I win the lottery (the one that I never buy a ticket for) I might be able to afford it!!! At least I avoid the $500 deposit and think about it deal because I would have committed myself to quite a few months pay and no hope in paying off the credit cards!!!

So an afternoon wasted and just some bumming around to do before dinner, so might just take myself off for a walk and a cocktail before dinner by the ocean - it's a hard life eh?? At least I am in a better more positive frame of mind than 8 hours ago!!

Had a great a walk to try to catch the sunset at Buddha Point and almost managed it, saw the sunset but by the time I reached the point the sun had gone down and I had to take crafty pictures to avoid the world and his wife (or more correctly his children) being included. The set up of the part of the hotel I'm staying in is like three interlocking O rings (scuba diving term for the little washer that you use in the tanks). Now everything pretty much is in the centre of these O's but Buddha Point and the ocean are on the outside, spent 20 mins trying to get out and then couldn't work out how to get back in again!!!!

Thought I'd then relax and have a shower and change before dinner only to discover that my new dress has died my boobs blue and the tops of my chest and back, so have had to scrub myself raw in the shower trying to get it off, have half managed it but can't reach the back so will have to sun bathe blue for the next few days!!! Am hoping it's because of a combination of wet swimsuit and suntan lotion and that I won't turn into Smurfette again next time I out it on!!!

Oh I just remembered that I saw a great new suntan lotion in the shop today - Sun Bum - if I hadn't bought a new 250ml bottle with me I would have been sorely tempted just for the name!!!
Anyways, dinner then bed for me. Catch you tomorrow Limeys!!

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