Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day Ten Airplanes and Arias

Today was a bit of a mental travelling day, I overnighted from Hawaii to LA and then milled around for an hour at LAX looking for some breakfast, the queues were lengthy and the choice limited. In the end I opted for a "breakfast muffin" from. Pizza place and a large coffee. Not bad and at least kept my ribs apart.

Realised I've travelled further today than I have to travel to get back to the UK!!! Finally got to JFK at 3:30pm and decided to brave the Subway. Within an hour I was strolls into the hotel in Downtown Manhattan!!! Quick shower and change and straight out the door back onto the Subway again, this time looking a little more dolled up!!!

I had hoped to get Uptown with time to spare to get some food (the Breakfast Muffin being a mighty long time ago!). Unfortunately, I took too long putting my slap on so no time for food, just headed straight for the Lincoln Centre and Aida at The Met.

Had time for a quick glass of pink bubbly stuff before taking my seat in a box and three hours of warbling and wailing!! Actually it was fab! Shared my box with a family of three and a grandmother and her slightly precocious 10 year old grandson! Actually he did pretty well, but fell asleep and was snoring gently through Act IV!!

I high tailed it back to the Subway and managed to avoid some of the crazies on the station - one woman repeatedly drawing in the air with her hand and touching the platform. Hop on the train and was entertained by. Homeless guy with a drum and quite an imaginative rap, gave him my last two dollars and jumped off within one block of the hotel. Walked round and round and took ages to find the hotel. Finally lopped down on the bed ready to order room service because that Muffin was a mighty long time ago.......... Room service finished five minutes ago............ Aghhhhhh!!!!!!!

So, it happens I'm writing to you drinking a Corona and washing down my dinner - a packet of Maltesers. Boy do I feel sick now!!!! Tomorrow is another day and it's past the witching hour so I better get some sleep!!!

Night happy people xx

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