Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day Two Tinsel Town Tour

So I book a tour, it was always going to happen!! Couldn't help but have a nosie whilst I mosie!!! So hotel pick up followed by the sites of LA - sounds like a right laugh .

The sleep business is not happening properly, got very annoyed with myself for waking up every hour or so - I don't normally let myself "do" Jet Lag (anyone who has travelled with me will attest to what a little cow I am for making them run round a city half demented to " get on the right time zone") serves me right for "resting" in the hotel yesterday evening. Oh well time for a shower the sites of Los Angeles await!!

Right on time the bus shows up with tinted windows - I suspect to protect the anonymity of the sticky beaks inside!! Off on my LA tourist travels!!

Just noticed the tipping guide above the drivers head. I forgot tipping is such a big thing over here, it's like India or Africa in that respect. We don't tip so much in the UK I guess we assume that good service ought to be part of the job and that tipping is a bonus (not that we always get great service!!). The tipping guide ranges from Good to Excellent from $5-20 (that's a tip of 25-30% if you're generous). I'm feeling a stingy Brit vibe may be the order of the day..........

Well I'm trying to think where LA reminds me of and I guess with all these palm trees it's just got to be ....... The English Riviera - yep folks its just like a big version of Torquay!! It is humungous  though - the Road systems are immense, am super glad I've not hired a car!

So first stop Venice Beach, actually it's pretty quiet because apparently the usual crazies don't get up at 10:30am. Muscle beach had one solitary poser and no Schwarzenegger in sight. No trip to the Kush Doctor either (Medical Marijuhana is very popular here!).

Second stop is downtown the area I'm staying, fairly 9 to 5 for a city (a bit like the Square mile in London or Sydney CBD) but it does house the Staples Centre, home of the LA Lakers and MJs funeral, the Nokia Theatre where American Idol finals are filmed and also El Pueblo Los Angeles the original village of 11 families that founded the city. It's also the site of the Old Masonic Hall (not a single set of square and compasses on it to mark it as a Masonic building) where they film The Mentalist (I know Adrian and Roger will be interested for very different reasons!!).

Hollywood Baby - lunch stop - golly it's hard to enjoy it with people constantly hassling you. If you don't chat you're a super bitch if you do stop for their "free" flyer or CD or whatever they are handing out for "no charge" the charity pitch for a few bucks for the "family for Christmas" soon emerges. Then once you've been suckered and reach for a $5 the "oh don't you have a ten" soon follows. At least in India and Egypt you know who the beggars are!! Calls for Backsheesh are as often but more cunningly disguised here!! So, after a few Walk of Fame snaps I headed to Maccas bought a cheap lunch (forgive me Rog but I needed something quick and cheap, interestingly they serve water in their drinks dispensers so you can at least top up with Free water) and headed to the outdoor Mall to sit eating my lunch with fountains to my left and the Hollywood sign in the distance on my right. Back to the bus and heading for Mulholland Drive.....

A smoggy view of the Hollywood Hill sign wasn't quite worth the quick run up the steps to the top of the viewpoint but you could imagine how great it would be on a clear day. Back in the bus for some sticky beaking up the drives of the rich and famous around Beverley Hills like Orlando Bloom, Christina Aguilera, Sean Connerys old pad where MJ died and the restroom where George Michael got arrested!

Final Stop Rodeo Drive and most of the scenes for Pretty Woman including the Beverley Wiltshire hotel. Had to buy something of course just to say I did - sadly it's from a New York company and has nothing to distinguish it as coming from Bev Hills but at least I'll know!! Didn't manage to see Mr Clooney at all on my travels but I do now know which little Italian Bistro he likes to frequent!!

Well, all in all not a bad day! Picked up from the hotel at 8:40am and dropped off at the front door at around 5pm. Am tired so some chillaxing before I even think about dinner or tomorrow's big day (think it's gonna be a Massive Mall Wednesday tomorrow!!!! Need to prepare to be a "Weapon of Massive Consumption").

Well Toodle Pip or should I say "Night Y'All" 

Rodeo Drive Diva Dr Liv xx

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