Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day Nine Mai Tais, Massage and Mahalo

Yeah, slept until 6am this morning!!! Did some penultimate packing and a last Big Island Breakfast overlooking the lagoon before a few serious hours sun baking!! Managed to score myself a spot by a quiet pool and apart from the odd kid who jumped in for 5 minutes and another woman who took up another sunbed for about the last hour, I was pretty much on my own reading and worshipping the sun god!!

Managed to score a slightly later check out so after 3 hrs or so I nipped back for a quick shower and a final pack, remembering to grab the coffee from the fridge before I left. Hopped on the super slow monorail tram contraption to the main lobby, lazy I know but it was air conditioned and no sense of getting too hot and sweaty!!

Checked out and sent all my postcards, seeing as I had an hour to waste before my appointment at the Spa I sat and had a non alcoholic cocktail - a slushy by any other name but apart from the ice cream headache it gave me, it was glorious sitting in the sun watching the dolphins play in the lagoon

I booked in to the Spa for my Massage, then wished I spent the last hour there as there's a hot tub, sauna, showers, hair dryers - you name it the had it. Didn't even have my bathers with me for the spare 5 minutes I did have! So I changed ready for my Lomo Lomo massage (uses hands, arms and elbows and is a Hawaiian traditional massage). the question always arises in these situations, do you keep on your undies or go native, I ummed and ahhed but in the end kept the undies firmly in place - there were no paper knickers that Spas sometimes furnish you with. I was met by my diminutive masseur Marnie, she may have been little but she was quite deadly and certainly got rid of a few knots and kinks and finally made my neck crack - suddenly thought maybe this was a chiropractic session rather than a massage!!

As I was trying to "relax and clear my mind", I couldn't and suddenly realised although I'd cleverly remembered the coffee in the fridge I realised I had checked out and left my togs on the balcony of my room!! Oh we'll, will email them and see if they can send them on but suspect I will have to accept they're gone for good!! No time to spare to enquire at reception.

I sprinted from the Spa to get my bags back (had checked them into storage) and got out into the lower lobby just in time for the shuttle to the airport. i them i waited..... and waited....... 20 minutes plus of waiting in the end which would have given me plenty of time to nip back up to the main lobby (or even back to my room to grab my togs, if I'd only known). During the delay for the speedishuttle, I was joined my an Odd but friendly family from Georgia. they had just arrived that morning and were off back to the airport to get a hire car. Turned out the wife had lots of pommie rellies and had been to the UK a few times. it also transpired they were quite racist, especially not big lovers of travellers of the Tokyo persuasion, not that racism is quite a southern american trait or anything....... Also I have wondered how especially after Pearl Harbour our Japanese cousins would be received here, but I guess it's no different to German tourists in London!

Managed to get to the airport with three hours to flight time, probably as well because I haven't been able to do any on line check in of my internal flights so far as American Airlines don't or won't recognise my e-ticket number. Got o the check in desk after scan my bag through the agricultural X-ray machine and then their machine wouldn't print my boarding tickets, i also had to pay $25 not sure what for - can't tell if my bag is overweight because they don't use kilos over here and I can't convert from pounds hat easily!! Doesn't have a label to say it's a heavy bag so suspect it may just be for daring to have carry-on baggage which I'm pretty sure I'd already paid for with my ticket. Something else to sort out!!!

The airport is pretty small but there is a Restaurant, it was serving either hot dog or cheeseburger, I wish I'd had neither but as I won't get fed on this cheapo flight and I last ate at breakfast, needs must! Pretty greasy burger though!!!

After "dinner" I got changed into my flight clothes from my beach attire but whilst I was in the Loos I suddenly realised that I have red stripes around my neck presumably from reading a book and having chin tucked down onto my chest. I look a bit like one of the Christmas Candy Canes!!!! Awesome and sophisticated look for tomorrow nights soirée!!

I am now aWaiting the LAX flight and have now (hopefully) gone through the last X-ray inspection machine and am hoping for a quick turnover to NYC and also hoping that my bags are booked all the way through......

Time to say Howdy to Hawaii and Nice to see ya New York!!!!

Hooped Necked Hussey xx

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