Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Arabian Adventures

Day One - Midnight at the Oasis

It was quite a simple journey for me this morning for a change, hopped on the train in Shalford, amused myself listening to the bull being spun by the various youths of Reigate Grammer, mainly about how long it would rake to get to various places travelling at the speed of light - apparently if the sun explodes we won't know for 8 seconds (I think someone needs to reach someone science and maths to the boys at RGS!!). Quick change at Redhill where a nice  chap offered to carry my suitcase, I politely declined as it's one of the lightest suitcases I've ever packed - only 13kg JoLt family a genuine record for me - and hopped into the Gatwick train and had a breakfast treat of Eggs Benedict (still no where near the EB served in Melbourne!!) and then  amused myself looking at the shops until boarding time!

Got myself nicely through the boarding queue when the mobile rang seconds before handing if to the ticket lady - am super impressed as I had no paper boarding card and just used an app on the old iPhone - very clever technology. However it's not possible to answer a call and use your mobile as a ticket simultaneously so I spoke to him indoors and joined the back of the boarding queue nice more!!

Well after an unexciting 5 hour flight I've arrived safe and sound in Sharm El Sheikh. Easy jog planes look smarter but food still costs an arm and a leg and lack of entertainment is tedious, nearly finished my book by the time we touched down, interspersed with pulling faces at the three year old in the row in front (who was very well behaved bless him). Met at the airport and driven to this lovely resort and booked in at  reception by a chap from Neasden of all places!!! Everyone is very friendly and keeps welcoming me back to Sharm - only I've never been here before!!! Was nice that the General Manager of the hotel came to welcome me to the hotel as well. I scored a lovely huge room all to myself and have views out towards the sea -awesome!!!

Big bummer there is only wired internet in the bedrooms so any stuff I need to do on line has to be done sat in the lobby which is bit noisy - should have bought my laptop -it is the one problem with the iPad I haven't found a solution to yet.

Had dinner and caused much confusion by being seated in the all inclusive part of the restaurant bug no having the all important wrist band. I thought the waiters head might explode when I ordered a beer and he gad to double check with me three times that I was ok paying for it - I obviously look destitute!!!

Am nod unpacked and thinking about a quick skype session with the boy back home before heading off to bed. Tomorrow I get to see the resort in daylight and have an explore. I discovered the reason for the light suitcase too - I have forgotten yo pack anything useful!!! No camera - the phone will have to suffice, no insect repellant and the mossies have already had a quick nibble and no woolly hat but perhaps I might get away with the last one..............

Night night folks xx

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the next installment. Do you think they think you are the OTHER Olivia Hussey?? I have just ordered mum's Crimble present. I won't say what it is in case she is reading - it is to be a surprise..
