Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day Thirteen Tired, Travelling and Tuning Out

Well with less than 4 hours sleep I managed to wake up with the alarm, haul my butt out of bed into the shower and complete my packing - still had to sit on my suitcase despite taking out my coat!!!

Managed to leave and get down to the local subway and except that the journey seemed to last an eternity there were no major problems!! Got to the airport easily on the Airtrain and through security relatively quickly, apart from setting off the scanners with the pattern on my T shirt all was cool.

I had a sinking feeling when I got to the gate, there were a least 6 pushchairs and several more toddlers and under 7s, the joys of returning home just before Christmas. We were 30 minutes late taking off and the atmosphere wasn't improved much my the constant (and I mean CONSTANT screaming of the child 3 rows in font of me). To top it off my TV screen is dodgy and since I put it on pause to go to the toilet it no longer plays more than a 5 second clip at a time- deep joy.

Managed to get the TV re-booted, it helped a little!!! Rest of flight went okay and managed to get back to the UK in one piece.

See you all soon and Merry Christmas xx

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day Twelve Traipsing and Trying around Times Square

An eventful day , again didn't wake until after 8am!! Looked out of the window and it was grey, raining and windy. it fact the building must have been swaying because the light certainly was!! Then checked in online for tomorrow's flight home and spent ages trying to work out how to print out my boarding pass!! Being clever I'd downloaded the App for the printing site but couldn't find the hotel in the list of places to print so I went down to the Business Centre and discovered that they are using a different website than advertised - that's 10 mins of my life I'm not getting back!!!

Boarding Pass printed and dropped off back at my room it was time to hit the streets. I unwittingly jumped on an express train so sailed straight past my stop, I rapidly adapted my plans to start North and work South - rather than the original contrary plan!!

So I hopped off at 72nd street and headed into Central Park, near the Dakota Building (John Lennon's old residence) and walked by Strawberry Fields. I walked slowly through the park but couldn't find any Ice-skating!!

Leaving the Park behind with not a Friends character spotted I headed past several MaccyD's on my way to pick up my theatre tickets for tonight. Didn't stop in any of them!!! Hope you're all proud of me!!!

I picked up my Theatre tickets for tonight from the Box Office and headed for a mosey down to Times Square. Loud and crowded and bursting with life as always!!

I noticed The Bread Bakery Company and stopped there for a lunch of pizza slice and diet Coke. Was thin crust and quite yummy!!!

After lunch which was compact but bijoux I hopped into the Hale and Hearty Soup Store and in order to Spread some warmth at Christmas I bought some tomato, basil and rice soup and a couple of chocolate chip cookies for the homeless man sat outside.

Next I managed to walk around Macy's without falling A over T and Umm and Ahhed about buying another carry on bag. You'll be glad to know there was more Umming than Ahhing so no new luggage today!! I only have 5 suitcases of varying sizes and several duffle bags......

Walked on down past the iconic Flatiron building onto Madison gardens then Union square Christmas markets and purchased the pressies that I saw yesterday -finally succumbed!!

Next stop the Hollister store - I really am getting old, it was like a badly lit night club - too dark, bad music played too loud and then lots of interconnecting rooms with no obvious direction. Had to walk up 2 flights of stairs just to pay!!

Hopped into Bloomingdales on my way past and got my little brown bag wrapped around some more sneaky chrimble pressies!!

Forgot to stop and see the Rockafellor centre and the skating and can't remember where the Christmas tree is but Heigh Ho (or should I say Ho Ho Ho!!!).

Stopped off back at the hotel for a quick shower and change (into a nice girl as my Mum would say!).

Made reservations for Dinner at The View which is a revolving restaurant at the Marriott Marquis.

After a marvellous dinner Gnocchi with chipotle braised ribs, filet mignon and a NY cheesecake I headed downstairs to the Marquis Theatre to see Ricky Martin in Evita (playing Che of course - could he ever complete with sublime Mr David Essex or the not too bad for an actor that can't sing, Señor Banderas???). Only while smuggly thinking I'd arrive 40 mins early and could have a drink, I suddenly realised my bright plan to change my day sack for my handbag was genius except for the part where the theatre ticket was still in the back of my day sack!!!

What followed was a bit like the opening scene of 4 Weddings, except no gorgeous Mr Grant and (thank God) no peach bridesmaids dress with large bow accompaniment!!

After much muttering and swearing under my breath (mainly 4 letters of the F variety) there followed a mad taxi dash, 66 blocks later I got to my Hotel in 15 minutes, paid the driver and begged him to wait on a double yellow equivalent while I ran up stairs (not literally as its 49 floors for goodness sake!!!), grabbed the offending tickets and grabbed the cab again back from whence I'd come. I arrived about 5 mins late but then couldn't actually find the damned theatre!! I knew where the box office was but hadn't looked for the theatre earlier - after running back and forth I went back into the Hotel and asked - it was on the 3rd floor!! I got to my seat stepping on only 2 other people's toes and had only missed the first 2 songs!!! Bloody miraculous!!!!

Sadly the rest of the first half was slightly marred by firstly missing my favourite song (Oh What a Circus) and secondly by the over full bladder caused by a litre of fizzy water and half a bottle of Sav Blanc!!!! Needless to say after a visit to the restroom the second half went almost without event (I did get told off for taking a photo on my phone during Don't Cry for Me Argentina!!!). Waste of a good telling off coz it's a rubbish photo!!!

Performance over and I have to say Ricky wasn't half bad, undecided about the Argentinian playing Evita, she sounded a little shrill (and she speaks so highly of me..... Yeah I know, pot, kettle, black!!).

Metro ride back was great didn't get lost once - maybe with 9 hours left in New York I've finally got the hang of it!!! Am now having a cheeky cocktail before some late night packing. Have to leave at 5am so will actually have to set an alarm for the first time in 2 weeks!!!

PS it was a Caramel Appletini in case you were wondering - Grey Goose vodka, apple cider and lemon juice with a dash of caramel - absopositively Dee-Lish!!!

So it's good night from me and....... Well just me really xx

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day Eleven No Sense of Direction Around New York

Well, I didn't wake up til 8:30am - that's a turn up for the books!!! Got up and out and headed towards the World Trade Centre, as was. I went back in the late 1990's and stood up on the observation deck and thought I should go back and check out "ground zero". I signed up for the walking tour and had a mooch around the Tribute museum there for half an hour. It's quite emotional and touching even for a cold hearted English girl like me!!

Then I lined up outside for the tour, at this point I was starting to wish I'd put my coat on this morning when I left the hotel, but put on my scarf, hat and gloves and did up my hoodie zip to keep out the biting chill of the Downtown wind. The tours are run from the Tribute Centre which was started up to support the families and survivors. Each tour is guided by two people who have a special connection to 9/11, either a family member, WTC worker, survivor, local resident. Each tells you about the history and future of the site and also shares their stories. It's very touching and must be quite cathartic for them. My guides today were JeanMarie whose brother worked on the 101st floor of the North Tower which was hit first and Joe who worked for Morgan Stanley on the 72nd Floor of the South Tower and also was there during the 1993 bombing of the South Tower.

Quite an emotional morning and freezing cold to boot!!! I left Downtown and headed towards Uptown Manhattan I took the Subway to Union Station and wondered along looking at market stalls there, probably fortunately I had very little cash in my wallet at this point!!!! I carried on and wondered up Broadway towards 5th Avenue and looked in the windows of all the really expensive shops, no chance of going inside as they can spot a poor chick at 20 paces!!!

Now one of the main shop windows to look at out here is Macy's - it's a bit like Harrods at Christmas. While merrily looking at the windows and trying to dodge other foot traffic and BANG!! I stacked it right outside Macy's and fell on all fours in the road!! Stunningly athletic I'm not and this is about the third time I've done this although before it was when I was running! No major injuries fortunately mainly bruised ego and knees!!!

Stopped at Maccas had a crappy late lunch but mainly went in for the Internet access, to catch up on emails and such like!! Set up a Skype date with my lovely man and so headed back to the hotel. Now this should have been easy but as always I had a confusing subway ride back and managed to get lost coming out to the hotel AGAIN!!

Nice Skype and some Internet surfing for tomorrow's fun packed schedule and I a managed to book a treat for tomorrow night!! Last day in NYC tomorrow so have to make it count! So In Room Dinner and TV and an early night for me!!!

Night night xxx

Moment of Silence for Sandy Hook Victims on Dec. 21

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day Ten Airplanes and Arias

Today was a bit of a mental travelling day, I overnighted from Hawaii to LA and then milled around for an hour at LAX looking for some breakfast, the queues were lengthy and the choice limited. In the end I opted for a "breakfast muffin" from. Pizza place and a large coffee. Not bad and at least kept my ribs apart.

Realised I've travelled further today than I have to travel to get back to the UK!!! Finally got to JFK at 3:30pm and decided to brave the Subway. Within an hour I was strolls into the hotel in Downtown Manhattan!!! Quick shower and change and straight out the door back onto the Subway again, this time looking a little more dolled up!!!

I had hoped to get Uptown with time to spare to get some food (the Breakfast Muffin being a mighty long time ago!). Unfortunately, I took too long putting my slap on so no time for food, just headed straight for the Lincoln Centre and Aida at The Met.

Had time for a quick glass of pink bubbly stuff before taking my seat in a box and three hours of warbling and wailing!! Actually it was fab! Shared my box with a family of three and a grandmother and her slightly precocious 10 year old grandson! Actually he did pretty well, but fell asleep and was snoring gently through Act IV!!

I high tailed it back to the Subway and managed to avoid some of the crazies on the station - one woman repeatedly drawing in the air with her hand and touching the platform. Hop on the train and was entertained by. Homeless guy with a drum and quite an imaginative rap, gave him my last two dollars and jumped off within one block of the hotel. Walked round and round and took ages to find the hotel. Finally lopped down on the bed ready to order room service because that Muffin was a mighty long time ago.......... Room service finished five minutes ago............ Aghhhhhh!!!!!!!

So, it happens I'm writing to you drinking a Corona and washing down my dinner - a packet of Maltesers. Boy do I feel sick now!!!! Tomorrow is another day and it's past the witching hour so I better get some sleep!!!

Night happy people xx

Day Nine Mai Tais, Massage and Mahalo

Yeah, slept until 6am this morning!!! Did some penultimate packing and a last Big Island Breakfast overlooking the lagoon before a few serious hours sun baking!! Managed to score myself a spot by a quiet pool and apart from the odd kid who jumped in for 5 minutes and another woman who took up another sunbed for about the last hour, I was pretty much on my own reading and worshipping the sun god!!

Managed to score a slightly later check out so after 3 hrs or so I nipped back for a quick shower and a final pack, remembering to grab the coffee from the fridge before I left. Hopped on the super slow monorail tram contraption to the main lobby, lazy I know but it was air conditioned and no sense of getting too hot and sweaty!!

Checked out and sent all my postcards, seeing as I had an hour to waste before my appointment at the Spa I sat and had a non alcoholic cocktail - a slushy by any other name but apart from the ice cream headache it gave me, it was glorious sitting in the sun watching the dolphins play in the lagoon

I booked in to the Spa for my Massage, then wished I spent the last hour there as there's a hot tub, sauna, showers, hair dryers - you name it the had it. Didn't even have my bathers with me for the spare 5 minutes I did have! So I changed ready for my Lomo Lomo massage (uses hands, arms and elbows and is a Hawaiian traditional massage). the question always arises in these situations, do you keep on your undies or go native, I ummed and ahhed but in the end kept the undies firmly in place - there were no paper knickers that Spas sometimes furnish you with. I was met by my diminutive masseur Marnie, she may have been little but she was quite deadly and certainly got rid of a few knots and kinks and finally made my neck crack - suddenly thought maybe this was a chiropractic session rather than a massage!!

As I was trying to "relax and clear my mind", I couldn't and suddenly realised although I'd cleverly remembered the coffee in the fridge I realised I had checked out and left my togs on the balcony of my room!! Oh we'll, will email them and see if they can send them on but suspect I will have to accept they're gone for good!! No time to spare to enquire at reception.

I sprinted from the Spa to get my bags back (had checked them into storage) and got out into the lower lobby just in time for the shuttle to the airport. i them i waited..... and waited....... 20 minutes plus of waiting in the end which would have given me plenty of time to nip back up to the main lobby (or even back to my room to grab my togs, if I'd only known). During the delay for the speedishuttle, I was joined my an Odd but friendly family from Georgia. they had just arrived that morning and were off back to the airport to get a hire car. Turned out the wife had lots of pommie rellies and had been to the UK a few times. it also transpired they were quite racist, especially not big lovers of travellers of the Tokyo persuasion, not that racism is quite a southern american trait or anything....... Also I have wondered how especially after Pearl Harbour our Japanese cousins would be received here, but I guess it's no different to German tourists in London!

Managed to get to the airport with three hours to flight time, probably as well because I haven't been able to do any on line check in of my internal flights so far as American Airlines don't or won't recognise my e-ticket number. Got o the check in desk after scan my bag through the agricultural X-ray machine and then their machine wouldn't print my boarding tickets, i also had to pay $25 not sure what for - can't tell if my bag is overweight because they don't use kilos over here and I can't convert from pounds hat easily!! Doesn't have a label to say it's a heavy bag so suspect it may just be for daring to have carry-on baggage which I'm pretty sure I'd already paid for with my ticket. Something else to sort out!!!

The airport is pretty small but there is a Restaurant, it was serving either hot dog or cheeseburger, I wish I'd had neither but as I won't get fed on this cheapo flight and I last ate at breakfast, needs must! Pretty greasy burger though!!!

After "dinner" I got changed into my flight clothes from my beach attire but whilst I was in the Loos I suddenly realised that I have red stripes around my neck presumably from reading a book and having chin tucked down onto my chest. I look a bit like one of the Christmas Candy Canes!!!! Awesome and sophisticated look for tomorrow nights soirée!!

I am now aWaiting the LAX flight and have now (hopefully) gone through the last X-ray inspection machine and am hoping for a quick turnover to NYC and also hoping that my bags are booked all the way through......

Time to say Howdy to Hawaii and Nice to see ya New York!!!!

Hooped Necked Hussey xx

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day Eight It was Written in the Stars ........

As another day dawns in paradise apparently I still find it impossible to sleep!!! I have a full day ahead, some swimming and sunbathing followed by a tour up to Mauna Kea the highest mountain in the island and if you measure it from the sea bed the tallest mountain in the world!! From the sea bed it is over 10,000 metres but forms sea level it's about 4,200m - still pretty damned high and probably liable to make me feel a bit cruddy since I'm going from sea level to 4000m in the space of a couple of hours!! Altitude has never been my thing but it is meant to be the best spot in the world to go stargazing!!

So after another big breakfast at the aptly named Big Island Breakfast I have three hours to kill before I hop on a bus to the local shops to start my evening tour up to the White Mountain (the literal translation of Mauna Kea). Suspect there is a lounger and a towel with my name on it poolside!! Wouldn't want to exert myself after all!!

I feel I was less than enthusiastic whilst writing about the Luau last night. It really was a fun evening and the show was great, although it would have been nice to see more about Hawaii than the other pacific islands. I think mainly I was feeling acutely single again. Think pretty much everyone else there was a couple or a family group. When the hostess got all the newly weds and anniversary couples to stand up I had déjà vu of a wedding where all the singles were made to stand up whilst all the smug couples looked on at the loveless!! I did have to feel sorry for the family in the queue in front of me though, who had actually been playing on the beach all day close to where I was sun baking, they got to the head of the line about to be shown to their seats when their second youngest without warning, unceremoniously threw up all over the path!! The woman behind me got quite a strop on as she wanted to move past me with her child to avert their gaze from the fresh vomitus, I of course wouldn't budge!! A bit of vomit never hurt anyone!

So a great morning by the pool a little breezy but no harm done, had a quick dip in the pool when it got too hot and a swim beneath the waterfall certainly cooled me down. Had a quick shower put on my jeans (which are currently unbearably hot but are needed at 4000m!), grabbed the shopping shuttle and am now sat outside Starbucks (which most of you know is a mortal sin for me) waiting for the your company to take me up to certain mild neurological effects of sudden altitude. I am however hoping that the starry heavens will be ample compensation for the pounding headache, nausea and disorientation!!! Here's hoping anyway!!!

Got on the bus and sat with the daughter of a family from Missouri (somewhere in the States I have actually been!!), she used to live in New Zealand with her Belgian partner and now lives in Belgium so we had a lot to chat about as the day went on. I was slightly worried by the size of one family who were all lovely but pretty close to the BMI top range for the trip (40). First stop 2800m at the Visitors centre and I could already feel the lightheartedness, after a lovely veggie lasagne and part of a far too rich chocolate brownie that I ate at a picnic bench with a Canadian couple from BC, we climbed back in the coach and headed for the summit. Was quite proud not have bought anything at the Visitors centre!!!

The summit at 4280m was certainly thin air, the 13 observatories were a sight to behold and watching the sunset took ones mind off the shortness of breath and disorientation. Most people coped relatively well, the father of the larger family found it a struggle and was feeling quite short of breath but the rest of the coach laughed as his daughter described him as curmudgeonly - a fantastic phrase that I've only ever read from the likes of Conan-Doyle - it was a very Holmesian thing to say but quite apt!!!

We popped back to the Visitors centre for a comfort stop, never a quick thing with only 3 stalls in the women's restrooms the queues were long, but we were soon parked up in a quiet spot for our stargazing experience. I can not tell you how full the sky was of celestial bodies, with no light pollution and at 2800m the view was breath taking!!! We had two GPS guided telescopes so as we'll as seeing with our naked eyes we had the back up of ultimate zoom lens!!! To be able to see the craters on the moon and the gas bands around Jupiter was phenomenal, not to mention the double cluster between Casio Pea and Perseus and the Orion Nebular- just awesome!!!! To top of the evening someone on the second bus on the tour proposed to his girlfriend under the stars - fortunately for him she accepted, unfortunately I'm not sure he'll ever be able to top that one!!!!

Missed my connecting bus but got a lift back from Miss Missouri whose name I don't think I know but I have her card in case I'm in Belgium sometime soon!!! Now some last minute packing, postcard writing and a film before bed. Long day at the beach tomorrow followed by an overnight flight back to LA and then a quick change and off to New York!!!

Mahalo Mateys xxx

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day Seven Easy Like Sunday Morning

And on the seventh day he rested!! So a cruisey morning, finishing of the DVD I fell asleep during last night followed by a slow breakfast. Have had a quick dip in the lagoon and am now about to laze (in the shade of course - I made sure to grab a spit beneath a thatched umbrella!!) on the beach and listen to the waterfall - all man made of course!! Suspect I may hire a snorkel and find later and stake out the turtles and tropical fish, I did think about bringing mine but figured they'd take up half my suitcase!! Will try not to think too hard about how many other people have used it before me ..............

Chickened out in the end, the thought of all the previous users of the snorkel and mask weirded me out and so I just had a few small swimming forays to cool off in between baking myself lizard style lagoon side. Did see quite a few fish and a glimpse of one of the sea turtles from afar. On the way back to change for this evening festivities I stopped for a quick snifter at the Boat Side Cantina, grabbed a cold refreshing coke and washed it down with a Mango Mojito - Yum!!!

Now must get ready so I can get a good seat for tonight's Luau - dinner and dancing Hula Hula stylie!!!!

Well have had a long and pleasant evening with dinner and a show with dancing from all over the pacific. The warm up act was the audience hula dancing - yes folks I can now do the Hukilau!! Dinner was suckling pig cooked an an Imu ( it's a bit like a Kiwi Hungi). Almost as good as the suckling pig cooked by Billy in Glastonbury!!

The fire dancing from Samoa was especially good to watch! Anyway a fun night over and I've rented a couple of DVDs before bed. Good night y'all!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day Six Lavalicious Lazing Livvy Style

Still with the 3:30am wake up, seriously!!! Anyway it is now a more decent hour of the day and I have three hours until my ride so best hop in the shower, slaver on the sunscreen and hit the Breakfast Buffet before my Kapohokine Adventure Tour begins!!!

Was in good time for my 10:30am pick up and sat down next to me was a lady going on the same tour - Janelle a lovely lady from Oregon in the midst of treatment for ovarian cancer. We were picked up by Rob our tour guide and then picked up a further two passenger Alex and Ruby from San Fran and that completed our cozy tour party for the day!!

First stop Thunder Mountain - a coffee plantation rather than the theme park ride!! Got to experience the coffee and a sense of how it's made and even taste a raw coffee berry - a bit like a sweet, watered down version of a blackcurrant. Had a quick sandwich for lunch and then back on the road.

Next stop the furthest Southern Bakery in the Island and therefore also of the USA. Seemed rude not to partake of their wares so bought the least large and sweet thing I could - a cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing - was still very sweet but I forced myself to eat it all!! Bought some postcards ( so that's tomorrow's job sorted!). Back in the truck again and this time headed for the black sand beach.

Very reminiscent of some of the black sand beaches in New Zealand but this one had turtles on it too, very cool to see the sparkly black sand and jagged rocks and a lovely Green turtle just sitting on the rocks sunning itself. So absorbed was I in staring at this marvel of nature that I almost didn't notice the other two on the beach straight in front of me, fortunately I noticed before I got so close I either scared one back int the ocean or stepped on it!! It was quite windy down on the beach and there was quite a swell, with the waves pounding on the rocks, but at only added to the beauty of the place.

A short ride later and a nice half mile walk through the pristine rainforest to a lava tube - formed when molten lava forms a hard crust but the lava within stays hot enough to continue flowing forming a long cave or tube. Pretty like the Smugglers cave at Shaldon only made of lava instead!! We mad a quick stop to check out some steam vents and were greeted by a complete semi-circular rainbow. the steam vent felt nice and warm as at 1277m above sea level it starts to get a bit chilly! After all that energy it was off for dinner!! I feel like I have spent my entire day eating!! After dinner we quickly visited the old Volcano house - now an art gallery, it burnt down bizarrely due to a kitchen fire rather than anything earthquake or volcano related!!

Final stop for the tour the Jaggar museum and a view of the beautiful sunset to off by the glow from Kilauea crater and its Lava lake. The night sky really was beautiful but it was time to pile back into the truck for the two hour journey back to the resort. Rob put on a DVD of Hawaii Five O (the new sexy one rather than the old cheesy version) and like the Nick Cage film I was Gone in 60 Seconds!!! Hopefully I didn't snore and if I did everyone was too polite to mention it!! Now I'm pooped after a 10 hour day an ma watch a Diveo before sleeping - long day of postcard writing and sunbathing ahead!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day Five Aloha Hawaii

Well the parrots have woken up and the cacophony outside reminds me of sunsets on Bribie Island - oh happy days. To think I could be on the Ilford Park Christmas Do right now - hope you are all ok and not too jaded!!!

Seeing as it's only 6:15am I'm going to lounge in bed a little longer and wait for the sunrise...........

Have managed to drag my arse out if bed and to brekkie. Is difficult to listen to "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire........" while staring out at a lagoon fringed by palm trees! Am feeling a little melancholic this morning and finding it hard to self motivate. Maybe it's listening to piped Chrimbo music and missing out on all the parties at home, plus the miserable weather........ I know, I know plenty of you would trade places in a heartbeat and I should "man up" and stop whingeing!! OMG they have just put Mariah on - my blue mood just turned black!!! Compounded by the fact they had decided a couple was staying so all my vouchers are for two and the waiters are wondering when my husband will be arriving!! Who comes to a romantic island alone!! Anyhow time to shake it off, think I'll book some excursions and then go for a long walk and a swim. Catch you later folks!!!

So I have booked a couple of tours and of course the all important Luau Dinner. For a 15% discount I've agreed to go look at the latest Hilton timeshare and as I like nosing around new homes it's no big hardship! Just can't afford to buy!! So after a walk around the resort I've sun screened up and am now baking myself pool side for 30mins after a quick dip before my pick up and sticky beak at the new resort!

Well it was quite a hard sales pitch although ever so lovely and a new version of a timeshare concept. Actually am proud of myself that I manage to pretty much resist. Difficult though because if I had the money probably would have just gone for it. Told them that I really had to discuss it first with my other half ( sorry Rog for using your name in vain!!), could have just said a straight up "No" I guess but then I am quite useless at saying no in normal life as well as when confronted by trained sales people!! So have a cooling off period and maybe another holiday to plan and then when I win the lottery (the one that I never buy a ticket for) I might be able to afford it!!! At least I avoid the $500 deposit and think about it deal because I would have committed myself to quite a few months pay and no hope in paying off the credit cards!!!

So an afternoon wasted and just some bumming around to do before dinner, so might just take myself off for a walk and a cocktail before dinner by the ocean - it's a hard life eh?? At least I am in a better more positive frame of mind than 8 hours ago!!

Had a great a walk to try to catch the sunset at Buddha Point and almost managed it, saw the sunset but by the time I reached the point the sun had gone down and I had to take crafty pictures to avoid the world and his wife (or more correctly his children) being included. The set up of the part of the hotel I'm staying in is like three interlocking O rings (scuba diving term for the little washer that you use in the tanks). Now everything pretty much is in the centre of these O's but Buddha Point and the ocean are on the outside, spent 20 mins trying to get out and then couldn't work out how to get back in again!!!!

Thought I'd then relax and have a shower and change before dinner only to discover that my new dress has died my boobs blue and the tops of my chest and back, so have had to scrub myself raw in the shower trying to get it off, have half managed it but can't reach the back so will have to sun bathe blue for the next few days!!! Am hoping it's because of a combination of wet swimsuit and suntan lotion and that I won't turn into Smurfette again next time I out it on!!!

Oh I just remembered that I saw a great new suntan lotion in the shop today - Sun Bum - if I hadn't bought a new 250ml bottle with me I would have been sorely tempted just for the name!!!
Anyways, dinner then bed for me. Catch you tomorrow Limeys!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day Four Sun Comes Up Over Santa Monica Boulevard

Wildly irritating that I've been awake since 3:30am but have made use of the time buying last minute Chrimbo stuff - Crackers are sorted!! Although in my bleary-eyed state and maddening habit of flitting in and out of websites, we now have twelve crackers instead of six. In fact there are seven of us for the Festive Foodathon (this is not meant as an insult but as a prediction of the lotions feast that awaits - you only have to look on the Facebook site of my Nigellesque sister to see that food is her passion) but I had brought separate special crackers for my nephews - oh well, the spares will do for Boxing Day or the New Year I guess!!

Well it's almost a decent hour of the morning so I can think about getting up and sorting out my last morning in the Plastic Surgery Capitol of the World. The super shuttle is booked to LAX (apparently short for laxative which means I won't b eating lunch there in a hurry!) Airport, I just have to print the tickets. Am gonna switch on the TV and fingers crossed for reasonable weather................

Well had my favourite breakfast - Eggs Benedict (never quite as good as sat in the sun on the sidewalk cafes of Melbourne or beachside on Perth but still pretty good!) and then checked out and stuck my luggage in storage until later. Walked up the LA version on the Spanish steps and through the Westin Hotel to try to find the Big Blue Bus to Santa Monica. After a bit of toing and froing I found the bus stop and watched the crazies as I waited, the same guy walked back and forth across the same crossing 4 times with all his belongings dragging behind him in a white bin bag!

The weather as you asked is cloudy and cool and rain threatens but I might just be lucky - here's hoping!! Slightly bizarre that its about 18 degrees here and up in the LA Hills it's snowing!

I seem to be developing a one sided virus, my left eye, left nostril and left side of my throat are scratchy and itchy and my nose is dripping but only on that side - most bizarre!! I wonder if my sneezes are one sided as well???

The hour long bus journey was fine, fair bit of traffic but nothing unusual for LA. interestingly you can ride the bus with your bike - they have bicycle racks on the front of the buses, you just stick your bike on the front and hop on the bus!

So Santa Monica, it's lively but like the rest of LA nothing seems to get going til after lunch. Had a lovely wander down Santa Monica Pier to look at the worlds first solar powered Ferris Wheel - cool right? But amusement arcades look dreadfully sad when they're shut down and guess what......... It doesn't open til midday today!!

After a quick wander along the beach I've come through the promenade - more shops!! - to take a load off and have a Hot Chocolate at The Coffee Bean, sat in the sidewalk cafe watching the world go by, we'll I say that but seeing as no self respecting Santa Monican gets up before noon the streets are pretty empty. As is the sidewalk cafe, so how come with all the empty seats the smelly German comes to sit right next to me talking loudly on his mobile?!!! Not quite the atmosphere I was hoping for!!

Anyway bit more aimless wandering and I'm ready for the bus - mucked up my timings and missed it by 10 mins so have another 20 to wait would shop some more but it's boring - can't believe I just said that - the one sided virus must have infected the consumer cortex of my brain, whatever next ..... A phobia of shoes and handbags????

Finally got on the bus and pretty empty bus, same old problem but this time a smelly, tooth sucking, hacking coughed Hispanic - I already have a cold, I don't want TB as well. Am hoping he gets off soon or stops hawking up and coughing just over me shoulder!! Managed not to contract a communicable disease (I hope) on the hour long journey and am now ensconce
D back at the hotel, bags out of storage, making use of the free wifi that my Gold Card affords me!!

Well I've made it onto the super shuttle to the airport, I was outside and waiting for them early - wish I could say the same for all the passengers, one girl who was rung as soon as we arrived for her and despite saying she would be "right down" left us waiting outside for at least 5 mins and then hopped in without even a quick "sorry"!! Don't think I have a hope of catching my flight at this rate.

Those of you who have ever travelled with me will know I'm going crazy by now. My extreme agitation not being helped by multiple extra stops, slow traffic and a fellow traveller on a business call with several other people!!

The final addition to our party bus was a nice teacher from Colorado who kindly chatted to me and kept me distracted. She was at pains to point out she'd been waiting outside for 30mins when the guys at the front discussed how they were never going to take the super shuttle again. A mini argument then broke out about why we weren't taking the Freeway instigated by late girl!! I refrained from pointing out she had a cheek.

Finally I got to the terminal and tried checking it but couldn't get the damned machine to read my passport. After 5 attempts I gave up and asked the book in lady to help - with one quick sweep she swiped my passport leaving me looking the incompetent traveller I am!! Worse than Ryan Air they charge extra for aisle seats!!!! Seat booked and tickets finally printed with 45mins to spare I felt on the home streak until I saw the security queue....... At which point I was almost struck down with apoplexy!!!

Security was interesting with one of those body scanners, glad I was wearing clean underwear!! Finally through I bought a fresh sandwich and a thin coke - I figure if they charge for aisle seats then food is out of the question!! Finally I'm on the plane and calm - I can't miss a flight I'm already sat on!!!!

Well the flight was uneventful - watched 3/4 of the film and then fell asleep - very irritating! Was right about the food, lots of dosh for not much scram! Arrival was super bumpy but no security or immigration to come through and baggage fairly painless.

Was nice to arrive somewhere that I was being met with one of those placards with my name on. Had to retrieve my bag myself (fine by me and quite normal) whilst a Pampered Princess and her family ordered the poor shuttle guy around (her fit 20 something son did didly squat and the 2 younger brats just whined!). Quite hilarious to see the disgust on her face when she had to get on a mini-bus with the rest of us plebs uttering "this was NOT what I was expecting!".

Finally arrived at the resort it is Massive!!! Will take a week to get my bearings!! Well aloha and goodnight all

Hawaiian Hula Hussey xx

Day Three Monster Mall Malarky

Well I slept a tiny bit better and only woke up at 5am but I figure that's the time I often wake up in Blighty so maybe it's not too bad. By the time I fly back I'll have my vacation head on and fail to wake up for my 7am Chrimbo Eve start!!

Today is Monster Mall Wednesday (for those of you who love your alliteration I'm sorry it's not a Monday!!). As if to bless the event the weather has taken a downturn - or maybe it's the cursing from everyone in the UK for the nice weather I wrote about yesterday, anywho the temperature has dropped 10 degrees and rain is forecast. Seeing as they only get about 35 rainy days per year in LA it's a bit of a bummer. Tomorrow is set to be a wet one too which could be a tragedy as I was planning a morning at the beach before my flight. We'll see, perhaps the weather Gods will smile!

Skipped brekkie and made the walk to Pershing Square and hopped on the Metro to Union Station. LA Union Station is like all the train stations you see in the Movies - shiny floors, wooden benches and lines of people queuing for tickets to familiar destinations. I'm loving it!!

Got my train, the 304 on the San Bernadino line, am sat upstairs with a good clear view, next stop Rancho Cucamonga!!! Yeah, I know doesn't exactly slip off the tongue does it!!

Gosh I thought British Rail was slow..  I think my grandmother could have run faster than this train!! It's proving an interesting journey so far, the guy behind me is talking about having to go to "Narcotics Classes" as part of his bail conditions. Think we've just gone past the place where the car race in Grease and a car chase from one of the Terminators was filmed! Strange mixture of tinsel and grime this train ride!!

Well a quick two mile walk and I hit the Mall. Divided into 10 "Neighbourhoods" each a little shopping heaven. Have only a couple of factory outlets I wanted to check out for presents for the nephews and other family members. How long can it take??

The hard sell stall holders were out in force as I got suckered into a few conversations where I politely tried to use being foreign and having to travel light as an excuse not to buy anything. I almost ended up buying a nail kit that I already own (got "charmed" into buying that one from a suave chap in the shopping centre in Guildford!), but managed to get away by saying I'd think about it and come back. Had to spend the rest of my Mall Mania head down avoiding eye contact!

After 3 hours I'd pretty much seen all I wanted too, got sick of having to dodge pushy stall chicks and maxed out my credit card so I high tailed it back to the railway station only to watch from across the car park as the train pulled out of the station!! I blame this partly on being weighed down by heavy bags and partly on all of the traffic lights - they take forever to change to green and then after 10 steps change to flashing red, giving you a further 10 seconds to complete your crossing of a 4-6 lane road, now I'm relatively fit but anyone overweight or over 70 is a goner for sure! Having said that, in the two mile walk each way there was a maximum of two other people on the pavements. When they sang "LA is a great big freeway" they sure weren't kidding!! The car is king here even poor people and fitness freaks don't walk!! Fortunately I picked the hour with two train departures so only had to sit nervously for 30 mins waiting for the next train. I say nervously as the station is fairly remote, but apart from one guy on the opposite platform commiserating with me for missing my connection, "loving my accent" and wondering if the Southwest was close to Sheffield, I had relatively little bother.

The rest of the train and metro journey was uneventful and the evening was spent trying to cram all the goodies into my bags. Just envisage all the bad comedy films with people sitting on their suitcases desperately trying to zip them up and you get the idea. Tried to check in for my flight and failed miserably so suspect I'll be middle if the row stuck between a screaming kid and someone who snores louder than I do!!

Fingers crossed for no rain in the morning and then I might be able to do some last minute ............

............................. Sightseeing - admit it you thought I was going to say Shopping didn't you!!!

Hasta la vista amigos!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day Two Tinsel Town Tour

So I book a tour, it was always going to happen!! Couldn't help but have a nosie whilst I mosie!!! So hotel pick up followed by the sites of LA - sounds like a right laugh .

The sleep business is not happening properly, got very annoyed with myself for waking up every hour or so - I don't normally let myself "do" Jet Lag (anyone who has travelled with me will attest to what a little cow I am for making them run round a city half demented to " get on the right time zone") serves me right for "resting" in the hotel yesterday evening. Oh well time for a shower the sites of Los Angeles await!!

Right on time the bus shows up with tinted windows - I suspect to protect the anonymity of the sticky beaks inside!! Off on my LA tourist travels!!

Just noticed the tipping guide above the drivers head. I forgot tipping is such a big thing over here, it's like India or Africa in that respect. We don't tip so much in the UK I guess we assume that good service ought to be part of the job and that tipping is a bonus (not that we always get great service!!). The tipping guide ranges from Good to Excellent from $5-20 (that's a tip of 25-30% if you're generous). I'm feeling a stingy Brit vibe may be the order of the day..........

Well I'm trying to think where LA reminds me of and I guess with all these palm trees it's just got to be ....... The English Riviera - yep folks its just like a big version of Torquay!! It is humungous  though - the Road systems are immense, am super glad I've not hired a car!

So first stop Venice Beach, actually it's pretty quiet because apparently the usual crazies don't get up at 10:30am. Muscle beach had one solitary poser and no Schwarzenegger in sight. No trip to the Kush Doctor either (Medical Marijuhana is very popular here!).

Second stop is downtown the area I'm staying, fairly 9 to 5 for a city (a bit like the Square mile in London or Sydney CBD) but it does house the Staples Centre, home of the LA Lakers and MJs funeral, the Nokia Theatre where American Idol finals are filmed and also El Pueblo Los Angeles the original village of 11 families that founded the city. It's also the site of the Old Masonic Hall (not a single set of square and compasses on it to mark it as a Masonic building) where they film The Mentalist (I know Adrian and Roger will be interested for very different reasons!!).

Hollywood Baby - lunch stop - golly it's hard to enjoy it with people constantly hassling you. If you don't chat you're a super bitch if you do stop for their "free" flyer or CD or whatever they are handing out for "no charge" the charity pitch for a few bucks for the "family for Christmas" soon emerges. Then once you've been suckered and reach for a $5 the "oh don't you have a ten" soon follows. At least in India and Egypt you know who the beggars are!! Calls for Backsheesh are as often but more cunningly disguised here!! So, after a few Walk of Fame snaps I headed to Maccas bought a cheap lunch (forgive me Rog but I needed something quick and cheap, interestingly they serve water in their drinks dispensers so you can at least top up with Free water) and headed to the outdoor Mall to sit eating my lunch with fountains to my left and the Hollywood sign in the distance on my right. Back to the bus and heading for Mulholland Drive.....

A smoggy view of the Hollywood Hill sign wasn't quite worth the quick run up the steps to the top of the viewpoint but you could imagine how great it would be on a clear day. Back in the bus for some sticky beaking up the drives of the rich and famous around Beverley Hills like Orlando Bloom, Christina Aguilera, Sean Connerys old pad where MJ died and the restroom where George Michael got arrested!

Final Stop Rodeo Drive and most of the scenes for Pretty Woman including the Beverley Wiltshire hotel. Had to buy something of course just to say I did - sadly it's from a New York company and has nothing to distinguish it as coming from Bev Hills but at least I'll know!! Didn't manage to see Mr Clooney at all on my travels but I do now know which little Italian Bistro he likes to frequent!!

Well, all in all not a bad day! Picked up from the hotel at 8:40am and dropped off at the front door at around 5pm. Am tired so some chillaxing before I even think about dinner or tomorrow's big day (think it's gonna be a Massive Mall Wednesday tomorrow!!!! Need to prepare to be a "Weapon of Massive Consumption").

Well Toodle Pip or should I say "Night Y'All" 

Rodeo Drive Diva Dr Liv xx

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day One Heathrow to La La Land

Well it was a less than auspicious start with a powercut at the Hotel at 5am but a torch helped with the packing and the lights came back on just before a quick snaffled breakfast in the executive lounge (Yep I scored us an upgrade at the Hotel!!).

The trip to Terminal 5 was uneventful and a lot cheaper than the £70 we were quoted for a taxi the night before - for that amount I expect a door to door service from Newton Abbot not a 1.5 mile trip from Terminal 5 to a Terminal 5 Hotel!!!

Check in was easy peasy but no upgrade and cattle class awaited. A leisurely ( am practising for the States so need you to pronounce it Leeshurelee!!) breakfast of Eggs Benedict and a teensy weeney bit of shopping and time to board the plane - no hold ups apart from a quick fondle at security - I didn't set the alarm off apparently they pull in every few punters to check - lucky, lucky me!!!

The plane took off on time and a nice meal and a couple of Chardonnays later (and yes I expect the Essex accent when you read that one) and I'm wrapped up in a fleece blanket watching an epic Johnny Depp movie (sorry Roger I know it's a film in Britain but I'm getting into the colonial spirit!!!). Think this a film for Mum - ever the Depp groupie!

Anyway, am sat watching the movie and typing on my new toy - yes Tom the iPad is working brilliantly and was the best buy this year. So the only stress so far is what to watch next and how to get from LAX Airport to the hotel in downtown, plus working out when I'm going to succumb to one of those tacky Hollywood starz tours ( Oh you SO know I'm gonna do one!!!).

So I shall sit back and let the wine warm up my feet (a good trick learnt from my good friend Adrian) and watch another tacky movie. Will blog more when I reach The City of Angels!

Quick update - have just bought the most blingingly awesome present from duty free for my baby Cuz Em - beats hands down what I had got you for Chrimble - it's blingtastic so I hope you'll love it!! Very excited me!!! Plus have decided on the next tacky film so am sorted for the two hours ..... Only 7.5 more to go!

My jubilant Christmas shopping may have been premature lovely trolley dolly has gone of to find said item but has failed to return, me thinks it may not be available :( .... No sooner typed than she retuned with the booty .... Yay!!!!

The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful except for the pressure sores on my ears from wearing headphones for SO long!! We finally arrived at LA and started the ordeal of Passport Control and Immigration..... How come people don't fill the forms in and then expect all the other people who got organised in advance to stand and wait - I could feel the steam slowly mounting in my brain but managed to avoid meltdown, just!

I decided to be adventurous and not get a taxi to the hotel but try the Metro (bit like the Tube)..... This involved a free but cramp bus ride of 20 minutes to the nearest station and then two tube rides and a walk to the hotel. The most difficult bit was trying to buy the travel pass in the first place. Halfway through the journey as we're passing through Compton I start to wonder if this is such a great idea with a big arse suitcase carrying a Radley Leather Handbag (think Compton is often featured in rap songs when they talk about pimping their Ho's).

Anyhow I've survived and 3 hours after landing I am finally in my hotel room and it's just getting dimpsy outside so I think I'm gonna unpack, chillax and plan my next couple of days.

Catch you all soon

La La Livvy xx