Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Arabian Adventure - Day Seven

Well my last full day and no need to rush as no more Thai brutilisation today!!!! A leisurely brekkie and then I nipped down to the beach. The beach is "Compact and Bijou", imagine your back garden covered in sand and shoe horned into it a seething mass of suntanned Russians and you pretty much get the picture.

Walking out onto the floating jetty was an experience though!!! I was like a drunk on St Paddys day weaving my way along the blue plastic sections completely out of sink with the rolling tide and wishing I had my diving boots with me for grip. Sadly I forgot to pack my snorkelnd mask and so although there is still a little reef there and a wray of beautiful fish including parrot fish, wrasse and angel fish from what I saw, the view was limited, especially when I remembered the last time I tried tried swimm underwater and look out with my contact I lost one of them - unceremoniously swept out to sea. After a short sojourn I therefore decided I was best off on my cozy little sun lounger with my kindle my the grown ups pool!!!

An afternoon of reading and sun baking followed!! All day I'd been umming and arrhing about the "Cocktail Party" and whether I would go but decided I should grow a back bone and left for a shower at 4pm, got myself all spruced up and partified in my LBD and heels and then decided I couldn't face being a Norman no mates in public and chucked the dress and shoes back in the suitcase, shoved on the trusty shorts and T shirt and ordered room service - cowardly I know but easier than making polite conversation with a bunch of strangers who in the main speak a language that at best I barely understand!!

Film and a couple of beers later and ready for sleep. Night All xx

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