Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Arabian Adventure - Day Eight

Well, it's with mixed feelings I write today. Sad to be leaving the sun and sea but will be relieved to get home and get settled before the rigours of work. Am now on book five or six - I've lost count, I have a vague tan and a vaguely straighter back!!! 

I've managed a few hours by the pool before check out and as always the staff have been lovely, seems odd looking around in the sun and warmth to watch them slowly putting up the Chrimbo Decs!!!    I'm all checked our now, Bill paid and just waiting for my taxi to the airport. Have jeans and a jumper to change into on the plane and a few more books to read. What I don't have is a print out of my boarding pass and they don't take mobile copies in Sharm so am seriously hoping some nice trolley dolly will take pity on my and print me one at the Terminal!!!

Best wrap up as my lift should be here soon -Gatwich here I come and then some beauty sleep before tomorrow's infamous Ilford Park Christmas Party and too many verses of Sto Lat!!!

See you all too soon xx
PS sorry the pictures a bit grumpy but it reflects the usual mood of the Author!!

Day Eight continues!!!!! Managed to get to the airport, may well have paid twice for the hotel will have to await the credit card bill. Check in went smoothly and lack of a boarding card seem no real issue. Managed to have burger and a beer in Ye Goode Olde English Pub - probably will give me food poisoning but never mind. Mooches round duty free and whiled away the hours before take off, boarded the plane got my seat no dramas. Sadly we were put on standby on the runway and when given the all clear to move the charming chap who was meant to remove some kind of safety pin didn't as he'd bogged off, consequently we've damaged the nose cone and have had to be towed back awaiting further inspection of the plane. We're now awaiting an engineer from Egypt Air who is due in 10 mins (that's an Arabic 10 minutes......... It's already 35 mins past take off time), perhaps Sto Lat may have to wait another year............TBC XX

Finally after a two hour delay partly waiting for a form to be signed before the Tower would clear us for take off (!!!!) we arrived home two hours late and after all the queues at passport control got back to Guildford at 1am, only 5 hrs until the alarm goes off - JOY!!!! Xx

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