Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Arabian Adventure - Day Five

It was full saddo in the end last night as I went for a room service cheeseburger and fries with Egyptian Stella to wash it down, no salt on the chips which was great but sadly no mayo to dunk them in either!! Rounded off the evening with some M&Ms and a bounty bar - yes the diet is going really well Ta!! On the plus side I only eat two meals a day (the freebie ones), on the minus side I haven't gotten around to any exercise yet. Now before this starts to sound like a Bridget Jones novel.......

I am getting used to chicken sausages and boiled egg for breakfast now (Oh God perhaps I am in a Bridget Jones novel, after all I have the large pants to prove it!), Today it was washed down sadly with instant coffee rather than filter but still strong enough to wake me up. After a leisurely solo meal I sauntered (had my lenses in today so no tripping over the steps on the way!!) over to the spa and had a quick steam before Joy called me in for session two of my Thai massage. I now have a collection if small bruises on the flabby bingo wings and lower legs and also definitely have one leg longer than the other!!! She did however manage to get my lower back to crack a little giving momentarily relief to the tension there. 

Cunningly I put my sunscreen on before breakfast today so I headed straight to the Chillax pool - strictly no sprogs allowed - and had a quick dip in the icy cold waters before lounging down with a book for the afternoon. I would say I could get used to this but actually it kills my lower back lying around all day and the only thing stopping me getting up and wandering off somewhere is the thought of doing yet another tour on my own!!

As usual the clouds set in at about 3:30pm and I headed back to my room to rest after another hectic day!!!! Today's towel sculpture was a beautiful but short-sighted Peacock and today a beautiful display of cut fruit - thank goodness the evil bananas are now gone from my room before they start to smell!!! I managed to finish off another book over dinner - Dominion, quite a thrilling book but very political especially the post story opinions upon Scottish Nationalism and the upcoming vote of Independence. My other favourite past time during breakfast and dinner is people watching. At least 3/4 of the guests are Eastern European, with very skinny glam women and as I have said previously bald, chubby over tanned men. The kids are in the main very well behaved and quite cute, but it shocks me to see SO many school aged kids on holiday at this time of the year, unless the old Eastern block have especially long holidays at this time of year.

Not at lot else to report really, I usually get Holiday Blues post holiday not during but maybe all the reading about. Churchill's "Black Dog" has taken its toll or maybe I just know work will be way too full on to have time to mourn for the loss of the sun when I get back. night night xx

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