Venice Beach

Venice Beach
Bay watch Beauty!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Arabian Adventure - Day Four

Well the trip is now half way through and I'm already running out of ideas!!! I had a lovely Mojito last night at the bar whilst browsing Facebook and then was struck by memories of the last time I drank anything with ice cubes in in Egypt which necessitated a missed trip to Abu Simbel and a day in the Head!!!!! Fortunately the Alcohol and a hardier constitution seems to have saved me from that fate.

I slept well after watching some dodgy film on the television and woke up early for a change!!! I dosed and caught up on the news - all gloomy as always. Headed for a late breakfast before my first Thai Massage session. The condemned woman ate a hearty breakfast but not too hearty just in case!!!

I arrived slightly early and pre-steamed before "Joy" called me in for my massage. The brightly floured mattress on the floor was the wrestling match for the mornings entertainment. She got stuck in pummelling and pulling away at my tension filled limbs, clicking all the joints in my fingers (never been a big fan of that cracking noise I must say) and using her feet to great advantage when stretching out my Quads. 

However she did managed to reduce the knots in my shoulders from megaliths down to large boulder sized portions!!! My lower back still feels permanently twisted to the right but let's see if tomorrow's session can unlock some more of that tort muscle - nicely in time for me to go back to work and knot it all back in again!!!!

The rest of the day has been spent merrily whiling away my time on a sun lounger with the trusty pink kindle, failing to change colour and looking in envy at the lithe bronzed East European women with their rotund boyfriends (must have lovely personalities or wallets as large as their gut overhang!!!). 

The towel sculpture of the day is mad looking bunny and yet more cakes have been left on my table - tried some last night and succeeded in dying my thumb crimson in the process!!! The question now is what and where to have dinner? Can I face another sad and lonely night in the main buffet restaurant with the waiters offering to have dinner with me or shall I go full saddo and order room service, decisions, decisions. Answers on a postcard please!!

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